Dear Son

Gepubliceerd op 2018-09-06, 658 paginaweergaves en 13 bestandsweergaves
Archief-ID 4CF1F


Beschrijving :

Francis, a peaceful and dependent man, has been working together with his bossy mother, Bertha, for his entire life. They have a family business and work as molecatchers. During a storm, while working on a field, Francis loses his mother very suddenly. She’s struck by lightning, swallowed by a giant mole and taken under the ground.

Startled, but prepared to save his mother, Francis jumps into the underground world. There, he encounters the same giant mole after seeing an illusion of his mother. This leaves Francis no opportunity to react, as the mole swallows Francis whole. In the stomach of the mole, Francis finds the lifeless body of his mother. While the mole is getting sick, its stomach turns turbulent, making Bertha sink deeper and deeper away. Francis tries to save his mother by diving and grabbing her. In the end, he has to make the hard decision to let her go, if he wants to be able to save himself. In the meantime, the mole is getting sicker, which forces it to puke out the contents of its stomach.

Back outside on the field, Francis wakes up and the lifeless body of his mother lies next to him. Francis now truly realises that his mother has died, so he covers up the body. From now on, Francis has to go on by himself. He starts taking life into his own hands, he makes a U-turn for his family business by no longer being a molecatcher.





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