Les papillons gris

Werk van
Gepubliceerd op 2016-09-03, 959 paginaweergaves en 6 bestandsweergaves
Archief-ID DE570


Beschrijving :

Sue is a 10-year old girl who grows up in Brussels. She goes to school, takes swim classes with her friends and she lives with her sister Lily. Lily is 22 and takes care of Sue.

Sue likes living with her sister; she can eat on the couch, she can go to a bar sometimes and all of Lily's friends are her friends as well.

Lily meets the charismatic Basil and she lets him lure her into a more exciting lifestyle. This ultimately leads to her spending less and less time with her little sister.

Gradually, Sue estranges from Lily. She feels alone and tries to escape into her own beautiful made-up world. Then she spends a day with Emile, an extravagant friend of her sister, who likes to dress up as a woman. Accompanied by Emile, Sue discovers that life can be as beautiful as her fantasy.





Academiejaar :


Opdracht :

2015-16 Film Master

Genre :

Werken van dezelfde maker

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