Chants lointains

Werk van
Gepubliceerd op academiejaar 2021-22, 560 paginaweergaves en 20 bestandsweergaves
Archief-ID CIKR6


Beschrijving :

the fake nail left in in the sink as an ode to freedom
in a waiting room in motion.
the sign EXIT is lit and shines alongside the OPEN sign
all the colors melting together but the only way out is in case of fire.

waiting. waitress waiting behind the bar.
the bar is the wall. and the waitresses have names too.
here we play the game of playing,
we play the game of serving,
we play the game of seducing wickedly
and as an answer we play the game of the invisible shush -- to silence the mind and find carrying easier.
to keep the tv loud to hear them less, is one way.

(text in progress by Laurène Buchheit)





Academiejaar :


Genre :

Werken van dezelfde opdracht

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