
Besch. Titel Maker Uitgever Publicatiedatum
NVT When i'm the robot 3 RITCS, Animatiefilm, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2017-18
NVT Portrait of a beast RITCS, Film, Bachelor 3, Portret 2015-16
NVT A Chain Reaction between Emotion, Image and Sound RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2020-21
NVT Inside a bully`s head RITCS, Regie, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2021-22
NVT DIT IS GEEN APPEL RITCS, Montage, Bachelor 3, Eindwerk 2019-20
NVT Auditie Tape RITCS, Film, Bachelor 3, Portret 2016-17
NVT BRDCSTLB - De Luisterkamer RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Masterclass 2023-24
NVT Generation Y RITCS, Film, Bachelor 3, Portret 2016-17
NVT Homotopia RITCS, Documentaire, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2019-20
NVT Loop RITCS, Film, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2018-19
NVT Not Yet RITCS, Documentaire, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2023-24