
Besch. Titel Maker Uitgever Publicatiedatum
NVT 1080 P25 RITCS, Film, Bachelor 3, Portret 2014-15
NVT MOAR man with candle and beef tour France 2019 RITCS, Film, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2018-19
NVT Represent Kain A.K.A. Khalid Abied RITCS, Documentaire, Bachelor 3, Workshop 2016-17
NVT Brief aan De Block RITCS, Documentaire, Bachelor 3, Workshop 2013-14
NVT Brief aan De Block RITCS, Documentaire, Bachelor 3, Workshop 2013-14
NVT Rise and Shine RITCS, Documentaire, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2014-15
NVT Bachelorproef Laura Snyers RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2021-22
NVT Wanna Beatle RITCS, Documentaire, Bachelor 3, Workshop 2011-12
NVT Sonatine Tangel Bong RITCS, Radio, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2021-22
NVT IN MIJN BREIN RITCS, Montage, Bachelor 3, Artistiek onderzoek 2019-20
NVT ceux qui dansent RITCS, Film, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2023-24
NVT fancy diner music RITCS, Radio, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2021-22