
Besch. Titel Maker Uitgever Publicatiedatum
NVT Bachelorclass Hybride 2023 RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Masterclass 2023-24
NVT AJ 22-23: Captatie piano-lutheal & viool concert in het MIM RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Extern 2023-24
NVT Around The World in 80 Cocktails - Merry Widow RITCS, TV, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2014-15
NVT Around The World in 80 Cocktails - Love Potion RITCS, TV, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2014-15
NVT Asante_Brochez_3PBAK_Videoclip_'All-Turn - Peter Parker' RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2022-23
NVT Another Spelling of Era RITCS, Radio, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2016-17
NVT hurt me enough - Nathan Archie (one-take) RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2022-23
NVT Bachelorproef Laura Snyers RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2021-22
NVT Bachelorproef Lotte Cools RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2023-24
NVT NOUVELLE VAGUE Be Irving RITCS, TV, Bachelor 3, Atelier 2017-18
NVT BESTBAP RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 3, Bachelorproef 2021-22
NVT IN MIJN BREIN RITCS, Montage, Bachelor 3, Artistiek onderzoek 2019-20