
Besch. Titel Maker Uitgever Publicatiedatum
NVT Plan Sequences Scene 4 - Lenz Adriaens RITCS, Film, Bachelor 1, Atelier 2023-24
NVT Flat 41 RITCS, Film, Master, Masterproef 2001-02
NVT Opdracht 5 De verandering RITCS, Film, Bachelor 2, Atelier 2014-15
NVT 5% RITCS, Film, Master, Solo 2014-15
NVT ATF Genre Groep 5 Love Story RITCS, Film, Bachelor 2, Atelier 2021-22
NVT Verandering van Groep 5 RITCS, Film, Bachelor 2, Atelier 2014-15
NVT WS Film - Opdracht 5 RITCS, Film, Bachelor 2, Atelier 2014-15
NVT scene 5 RITCS, Film, Bachelor 1, Atelier 2023-24
NVT Plan Sequences Scene 5 Rewrite - Renee Vandebroek RITCS, Film, Bachelor 1, Atelier 2023-24
NVT The return of the 50th foot woman RITCS, Film, Master, Oefening 2002-03
NVT De Koffer groep 6 RITCS, Film, Bachelor 1, Atelier 2023-24
NVT Katachtige, 6 letters RITCS, Film, Bachelor 2, Atelier 2021-22