
Besch. Titel Maker Uitgever Publicatiedatum
NVT The becoming RITCS, Film Documentaire Televisie Schrijven, Bachelor 1, Solo 2016-17
NVT Beheer sociale media & videoclip voor King Victor RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 2, Solo 2019-20
NVT Behind Glass RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 1, Solo 2020-21
NVT DARE TO DREAM RITCS, Montage, Bachelor 2, Solo 2017-18
NVT Why Did I Do It RITCS, Montage, Bachelor 1, Solo 2018-19
NVT My masked ego RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 1, Solo 2018-19
NVT EP: Hold On RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 1, Solo 2019-20
NVT The Escapist RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 1, Solo 2019-20
NVT Looking For Sound RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 1, Solo 2019-20
NVT LET'S PLAY GAMES RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 2, Solo 2019-20
NVT Just Say So RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 2, Solo 2019-20
NVT Kinda Lonely RITCS, PBAK Professionele Bachelor Audiovisuele Kunsten, Bachelor 1, Solo 2018-19