Polka dots

Werk van
Gepubliceerd op 2015-06-10, 499 paginaweergaves en 1 bestandsweergave
Archief-ID 03176


Beschrijving :

Polka dots is a story about a little girl and her inability to fall asleep caused by the sound of a mosquito. When the little girl gets up in the morning, she notices there's something strange going on. The mosquito had instead of stinging her, stung the wall. The wall is filled with mosquito bites. The girl starts her mission: to hit the mosquito from the wall as well as stopping the trail of polka dots visible on the wall. The mosquito, however, keeps escaping so she then decides to simply paint over the polka dots. The freshly painted wall turns into water. And on the magical wall, her new allies appear. This is the start of the battle between the wall and the mosquito.




Academiejaar :


Genre :

Werken van dezelfde maker


551 weergaves. 2014-15